Short term goals = longer term gains
How many people go to the gym thinking “I’m going to smash this workout so I can live healthily to age 70”.
Why giving up sugar helped me save for a house deposit
When setting a goal it is easy to say, “I want to go on holidays!” “I want to lose 5kgs!” or “I want to buy a house”. It’s also easy to part with your money when the time comes to enjoy the reward of achieving said goal.
Are you an Ant or a Grasshopper?
Ever heard of the Ant and the Grasshopper?
Well for those who can’t remember this childhood tale, it goes a little something like this:
Your financial feels – going from eek to on track
When you think of your current financial position, what comes to mind?
(think fast, jot down the first word you think of).
The magic of goal sharing
Who should you share your personal goals with? There’s a magnitude of research showing that you are far more likely to achieve your goals when other people know about them. The power of accountability is pretty well documented.
Less memes, more money
Not too long ago this video would appear on my news feed, in my inbox or text messages on a regular basis.