Financial Advice for the Self-Employed
It’s a new financial year which marks a fresh start for all small businesses and self-employed hustlers. Although it has been a challenging last few months due to COVID-19, we have been so inspired by all the creative solutions business owners have come up with to adjust their services for these unprecedented times.
25 Penny pinching ideas without being a tight ass!
Everyone loves to save a dollar or two but no one likes a tight ass. Making small changes can make a big difference to what you spend and your overall plan towards achieving your goals.
Should I have an Emergency Account?
Life takes all sorts of twists and turns and unfortunately, we cannot predict everything. Here at Pursue Wealth one of our roles is to help with all the potential financial scenarios you can be faced with and this includes emergencies. These emergencies are unplanned and can really damage you financially if you haven’t thought ahead about it.